
Friday, April 30, 2010

holidays and milestones

Today is my last day of work. I am terribly excited and terribly anxious. It's kind of like your last day at home before you move some place new.
I am excited about what the future will bring. I am excited for the change, less stress, and long summer days BUT I am also anxious about the lack of money and the boredom that will come with almost-empty days. And I will miss my work friends, who are also expats, we have grown close in our common struggles of Swedish life, Swedish winter, and the craziness of the job.

Today is Valborgsdag in Sweden. I have been trying to figure out what exactly is Valborgsdag and I am still not very sure. Wikipedia told me that this day goes back to pagan rituals and something about when Sweden become Christian... something with casting out evil spirits, the equinox, etc etc.

Apparently, all of the university students celebrate the day by drinking. From 8:00 am to late, late in the night, they drink. All day. And then, in the evening there are HUGE bonfires. It is a massive (and I mean massive) party where the university town of Lund has shut down all of their liquor stores to help keep some peace and order.

And then tomorrow, is May 1, or May Day. Which is a public holiday unfortunately placed on a Saturday. Most Swedish companies offer a half day of work before the day of a public holiday, which I guess is the upside to having a public holiday on a weekend.

Finally, May 2 marks my one year anniversary of living in Sweden. It's a bit shocking to write that. I have been a (legal) resident for one year (this does not count the 2.5 months I lived here as a tourist prior to getting my residency visa). It's almost a bit surreal.

Holidays and milestones all around, it is a weekend to remember.

Monday, April 19, 2010

discovering spring.

We had the laziest weekend. Mainly because Gillis was sick and the it was cloudy outside. On Sunday the sun came out for a bit and we went on a walk around our neighborhood. Never before have I been so fascinated with spring. I guess because the seasons kind of get muddled together in Texas. But here, each season is distinct. Like autumn, spring takes its time. Very slowly, buds start to form, slowly blooms emerge, slowly flowers blossom. The grass grows taller inch by inch and each day there is something new to see.

Here are a few of my discoveries: