
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

starting with summer activities

With summer almost here. Almost. We are all itching to start summer activities. Do you know how hard it is to leave the house everyday with a jacket and a light scarf when you know your friends back in the States are now in shorts and tank tops? I should count my blessings that it won't get scorching hot in Sweden like it does in Texas, but I could really use some heat.
Monday morning was cold and rainy. But something happened in the afternoon and the sun came out. It's been out ever since.

With sun outside we finally got to use our patio. I am trying to grow rosemary (which grows so slow) and keep a tomato plant alive. I am also growing a few other herbs and they are doing well (except the oregano). We also had our first bottle of rosé of the season. Which is a true mark that we are very much past winter.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

rainy, lazy morning

Right now, we are both laying in our new bed, drinking coffee, and waiting for time to pass. I have a dentist appointment in 40 minutes- my bus leaves in 20. It's been raining outside, I don't want to leave to apartment today. It is much too cozy.

Recently, we purchased a new, king-sized bed of This is a story for another post, but I just want to say how differently we both sleep now. We sleep so much better.

I also started my intensive Swedish courses on Monday. Already, I am doing better in Swedish and speaking more in Swedish. But yesterday, I was Swedish-ed out after waking up and reading my new Swedish mystery novel (although it's a remedial version....), going to class, and then reading some more after class. That was a total of about eight hours of Swedish.

But now, I have a bus to catch!

This is a picture from another rainy day. We seem to have a lot of those now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tuesday evening

Tonight we had a pre Cinco de Mayo party. Everyone was busy tomorrow, so it had to be today.
We made margaritas and four different Mexican themed dips to go with our oily, Swedish corn chips. We invited some friends over and spoke in French accents. It was a good evening.

We bought a bunch of cacti about a month ago. Surprisingly, they are still doing well. The sombrero decoration is from my most recent birthday.

Four dips: guacamole, black bean with roasted garlic and roasted corn, sour cream with roasted red pepper, and fresh salsa.

Oh margaritas! I thought I only liked frozen margaritas- I was wrong. We're still working on perfecting the recipe, I don't like them to be too sweet. But yes, this is what dreams are made of.