
Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Saga of the Sofas

I'm calling this post "The Saga of the Sofas" because that's what it has been for us. A long, drawn out search to find the perfect sofa.
Let's begin.

This not a good photo, but it's the only one I have. It's our very first apartment (aw) and it actually wasn't ours. We rented second-hand and it came partially furnished which is why everything is covered in white. The actual owner of the apartment had awkward taste like the coffee table which had semi-precious stones under a weird glass table top. Or the oriental, fake silk curtains I took down the first night we moved in. The couch, a black IKEA couch, was hers and covered in dog hair (G is allergic and even after cleaning it he'd still have problems, hence, the white cover). The apartment was a whole 43 square meters, I know, it was a true test to our relationship, but it was very central and had a great view.  The couch was comfy and huge. I fell asleep on it more times than I can count.
When we moved to our current, bigger place, we thought the owner would want all of her furniture back. Turns out, she could've cared less and we could've kept the dog-hair couch and bought a proper cover for it but by that time we had already purchased a new/old couch...

This little mid-century brown couch. Here he is in our new, bigger apartment. He's a cutie and was much more "in-tune" to our styles than that the IKEA couch was. But despite being cute, he was small. We've spent a lot of time arguing about whose taking up more of the couch (it was usually me, I'll admit that now) and it wasn't that comfy of a couch. We spend a lot of time on the couch, so after a year of cutie couch we decided it was time to get something bigger and comfier...

I call this couch The Beast. We bought The Beast second-hand last week. We read the ad (sits six people!) and negotiated the price and decided to buy this HUGE couch. When we went to go pick up the couch I felt my stomach churn, "this couch is really, really big," I thought, "but maybe it'll be perfect, after all we wanted a big couch." Plus, we had already rented the trailer, G's parents were down with their car, and we drove out in the middle of nowhere to go get it. And we brought The Beast home. Do you see the weird back space? I hate that weird back space. I think if the couch didn't have that weird back space I would've like it. It's a standard, big, really big couch. But that back space made it unnecessarily big  and awkward. It was too awkward for us.
So we decided to trade couches with G's brother who has a nice, manly bachelor bad complete with a projector screen and a comfy leather couch. The Beast would be perfect for him. And now we have the most comfiest, snuggliest couch...

I don't know you guys, but there is something so fantastic about worn out leather. In theory, I don't like this style of couch, but because it's so worn and so loved, I'm smitten. It's so comfy and plushy. I love all the little cracks and imperfections. It's just how a couch should be.

It's big enough and wide enough for the both of us, without being too big or too wide. I think this guy will look really good with this rug underneath and a different coffee table (see the photo of The Beast, it's for sale if you're interested!). I'm planning on re-decorating our living room and we're trying to get rid of all of our brown stuff. I basically want this couch and our side-table to  be the only brown things in the room.

So that is the Saga of the Sofas and we lived happily ever after, The End.

PS. I'm looking for cheap but stylish throw pillows- any ideas? Any?

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