
Friday, February 4, 2011

It's already been a week

We've now been in the new apartment for a week! And what a crazy busy yet surprisingly peaceful week it's been. This neighborhood is so much quieter than our old one. Last night I counted how many noises I've heard from the outside this week and I think the number was like eight. Eight outside noises during a span of seven days is not so bad considering at our old place we constantly heard doors slamming, high heels on the sidewalk, people scrapping ice from their cars, kids yelling... etc.
I'm getting used to it here, getting caught up on laundry, figuring out the best placement for our stuff, organizing everything. The To Do list is still a mile long but last night we bought wall shelves which I'm so excited to put up!
We sold a bunch of our furniture before we moved and put most of that money aside to buy chairs. I really want a set of white Eames DSR chairs, we can't afford the real things but we're ok with getting the replicas. However, instead of using the money for chairs we decided to buy shelves instead. We have a huge mountain of boxes sitting in our living room corner and everything in those boxes is meant for the shelves. So, shelves took priority over the chairs.

The weekend To Do list looks something like this:
Put up shelves
Unpack the rest of the boxes
Bring everything that we aren't using down to our storage
Paint the hallway
Hang art
Put up shelves in the closet

Other things I'd like to do:
Window shop at Granit*
Buy a tv wall holder thingy
Take a walk by the sea (regardless of the weather)

*Granit is by far my favorite store in Sweden. I have a To Buy list going and stuff from Granit forms more than half the list.

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