
Friday, February 11, 2011

a resolution

I've been making a mental promise to myself for the past few months to start working out. I have never been an active person but I have never really felt the need to be active. I am very skinny (which is accredited to family genes) and I eat fairly healthy, so working out has always seemed counterproductive to my body type. I guess that's because I've always seen working out as something you to do lose weight. In fact, the only time I've ever worked out was for two months in high school when I wanted to lose weight. I over worked myself, went about in a very, very unhealthy way, and quickly burnt out.
But over the past few years I've notice that I'm pretty weak. I don't have much muscle mass or strong muscles. I'm pretty lazy too. And although I might not need to work out for weight loss reasons, I think I still need to for health reasons.
My body and mind have been nagging me to do so for some time now and I think it's soon time to start. I say "soon time" because to be honest, I'm not as motivated as I want to be to undertake this life change. My game plan is to take advantage of living by the beach and to start going on long walks a few times a week. I am hoping to train my body into liking these several times a week long walks to eventually start jogging. (Oh my, I can't even imagine myself jogging now!). And I am hoping that by the time next winter comes I'll enjoy exercising so much that I'll want to join a gym (which right now in my life would be waste of money).
I have told myself that once the weather gets better (and that's right around the corner) I'll start this new phase. I hope I stick to that because I know it's going to be really beneficial to me.
It took me awhile to realize that working out is not just something people on diets do. Even rail-thin people like me should work out if they want to live a healthy lifestyle. And as I get older I'm starting to realize what exactly being healthy means.
I hope anyone who reads this will help me keep this promise to myself.

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