
Thursday, August 5, 2010

germany and new rules. a good combo.

We are back from Germany. We ate pretzels, drank beer, G had schnitzel, and we rode a few ferries. It was a good trip, in fact it was a super good trip. A big Thank You to G's parents who helped make this trip possible and were nice enough to let us tag along with them. Thank you!

Sometimes I get writer's block. In fact, I've had writer's block for the past few months. Most of writing is in the emails I write to my family or friends. Very rarely or really ever do I write for the fun of it. Which is kind of what I was hoping this blog would be for... writing. Fun writing. But every time I sit down to write something I just stare at the blank page and post a few pictures. 
I do like writing. In fact, I like it a lot. Maybe I'm not the best, but it's something I throughly enjoy and miss. How do I continue to write when I have such a severe writer's block...?

New goal: I will post every day until school starts again on August 30.  Nothing like a good regiment to cure writer's block right?

1 comment:

  1. heya, i feel you on the writer's block thing. i discovered this great site called 750 Words that reminds you every day to write at least 750 words, and it tracks your progress. it also analyzes your prose to see what your mood is and stuff. pretty neat. and it's great because it's geared toward just getting words on the page, or screen i suppose.

    another one is called Oh Life. it emails you daily and asks you 'how was your day?' then you respond to that e-mail and it saves it onto a personalized site. kind of like a diary thing. i haven't really used it but it seems cool too.
